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The Art World Goes Digital (Finally!)

The Art World Goes Digital (Finally!)

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The Bossy Mealz Newsletter

The Art World Goes Digital (Finally!)

As a long-time champion for using digital tools to make our lives better and as someone who worked on the first online contemporary art sale at Christie's way back in 2013, I couldn't be happier about this.  The real question is not how much the art industry is using technology now more than ever, but what the lasting impact will be.  I just got off of a zoom-hosted wine class joined by eighty others, but will I want to continue to learn about wine in this format once this is all over?  Unlikely.  I'd much rather imbibe with others IRL.  That is mostly true for the experience of art but it does not make it any less compelling how quickly the industry is adapting.  Better late than never.

Hauser & Wirth Menora VR Exhibition
Rob Pruitt "Hungry" from Gavin Brown's Enterprise on Sotheby's Gallery Network
Zsófia Keresztes on DZ's Platform NYC

The Best Use of Technology in the Art Market Today

There has a been a lot of positive technological change in the art market in the past few months, and in my opinion these are the most innovative uses of technology that are not only catching up to where the industry needed to be but paving the way forward:
  • Sotheby's rocked the art world with news that they are hosting works from leading art galleries on their website (Rob Pruitt's "Hungry" from Gavin Brown's Enterprise, lower left above).  I've long thought the galleries should develop their own platform, but great to see this collaboration right now.  David Zwirner has lent his Online Viewing Room technology to a consortium of emerging galleries in both NY and London in their "Platform" viewing rooms (Zsófia Keresztes on DZ's Platform NYC lower right).  Sales happen offline through the galleries themselves, but another great example of the top tier lending their audience and tech to smaller players.  I applaud both for using their technological prowess as host for galleries who cannot build the digital infrastructure during this time but also wonder how much these partnerships with continue after this is all over. 
  • Hauser & Wirth announced today their first exhibition staged with their own proprietary technology stack (header image above).  Visitors to the exhibition in Menorca can view the works in context and at scale, two issues ever present with online viewing.  This initiative is part of their new ArtLab,  their research division for art and technological innovation.  I for one am excited to see what they come up with.  
  • I've attended multiple zoom lectures and conversations from museums I am a member of in the past week and assume this programming will continue in the near future.  I welcome the opportunity to learn and engage about artwork while we are all apart and hope these conversations will be available to download as podcasts going forward. 

Recommended Reading

From my favorite daily news email, The Hustle, reviewing how entrepreneurs are creatively meeting the new baking demand.

T Magazine's review of three black gallerists who operated in NYC and LA 50 years ago and opened the door for many black artists who have finally gained recognition today.  Actually just read this whole issue cover to cover if you can.

My New Love for Opera

I've honestly never really understood the appeal of opera but there is something about the sorrow, pain and uncertainly of a global pandemic that is giving me a newfound appreciation. The Met Opera is posting a free past performance for streaming every day, which is also helping me determine my future "to see" list.  I find it the perfect thing to listen to while cooking dinner nightly.
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Art History and Your Place in It

Art History and Your Place in It

Bossy Mealz' First Newsletter

Bossy Mealz' First Newsletter